Chapter 20.2
Melchor was working on his paperwork at a speed that was hard to understand for someone who had just eaten a sandwich and a cup of coffee.
“Heinz, are you not planning on eating?”
“Your Majesty is not eating, so how am I to eat?”
Since when did that matter to him?
Melchor, who was handing over the document without looking at his assistant Heinz, raised his head in surprise when Heinz did not respond. Heinz was hunched over and playing with his pen like an old, sick dog.
“Heinz, you appear skinny.”
“I feel like I’m going to die.”
“Have you eaten breakfast?”
“No, I ate at the restaurant located on the ground floor of the Central Knights.”
“Then you didn’t sleep?”
“Roughly eight hours…”
“You’ve had enough sleep.” “What is the issue?”
In front of Melchor, who sleeps only four hours per day and works like Superman, it is impossible to pretend. Heinz pushed the ink off the pen tip and stretched both arms forward.
“Your hands are at rest, Heinz.”
“I believe I am depressed. Alas, my lord. Can I utilize your sick time? “I miss Benjamin.”
He should have started with the word “lover.”
Heintz, who missed his companion who remained in his hometown, was progressively passing away.
“Well, Benjamin…”
“Do not soil the documents, Heinz.”
“I’m dying to see Benjamin!”
Heinz did not hesitate before glaring at his boss, who did not care how difficult the situation was for his employees.
Typically, a subordinate who behaved in this manner in front of his superior would be reprimanded, but Melchor was not formal in this regard. It is, to put it mildly, both generous and laissez-faire. He has never criticized Heinz’s demeanor.
Can a person experience homesickness from missing plants?
Once as bright as the sun, Heinz’s blonde hair became droopy, and his white skin became rough. The golden eyes, which were only reflectively clear, were dim and void beneath them.
It was the epitome of homesickness.
“If you are extremely lonely, you can purchase and cultivate the same plant here.”
Melchor was supposed to provide solace in his own manner, but Heinz interrupted him.
“No, sir! Are you suggesting I live in two homes? How can a newlywed say such a thing? “I’m going to tell you that I’ve suggested you spy on a powerful individual!”
“Heinz, what just did you say?”
Heinz slammed his mouth shut and slammed his head into the desk when he perceived that Melchoor’s blue eyes had suddenly lit up.
No, this is nothing.
Heinz was a competent assistant who knew when to brag and when to lie to his informal supervisor.
Two months, not two days or two weeks! How about two months?
Isn’t that excessive? Heinz internally screamed.
“I simply miss the love I left behind in my hometown. Oh, my God!”
If he had to risk his life to participate in the war, which is now an exhibition, he would have endured his absence, but the Knights of the Capital are merely observing him.
If the Grand Duke is comfortable in his bed, he will not speak. For Heinz, who had to work outdoors for two months in a foreign country, the time he had to spend apart from his beloved Benjamin amounted to torment.
“If you wish to view it in this manner, contact the East and request that they send you the pot.”
“No, Benjamin is a sensitive individual! If the carriage shakes, it could become stressed and die!”
“Then you may depart.”
“What?” “Is it acceptable to go on vacation?”
“No, I am advising you to resign.”
Melchor stated calmly, “If you desire to rest, rest forever.”
“That’s excessive, sir!” “If I quit my job, how will I provide for Benjamin?”
“There is sunlight and water, so it will be able to survive on its own.”
“Your majesty lacks delicacy!”
Heinz wept and shed tears on the documents. The documents left on the desk were watertight, so the worst-case scenario of letters being disseminated did not occur.
Melchor worked hard even though he knew his assistant could cry, laugh, and talk on his own.
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