Chapter 29.2
When she turned around, there was a man standing across the stream.
However, the man’s appearance was unusual.
It wasn’t exactly what it appeared to be.
“What is your name?”
She addressed him, but he did not respond.
“It’s peculiar…”
Roseline had no idea what a man looked like.
A stream is just a few steps away. A man stands directly across from it.
Roseline couldn’t tell if the man standing across the stream was tall or short, fat or slim, young or old, or what kind of clothes he was wearing.
She didn’t think it was strangely dangerous, even though it was obvious that he was the type of person who couldn’t tell his appearance from a distance.
She didn’t feel like attacking this side from a man’s perspective.
Because this is a park, it could be someone who went for a walk in the park.
Roseline was even under the ridiculous impression that she was tired and unable to distinguish the other person’s voice.
“I apologize, Roseline.”
“I believe it is because of me.”
Julian said he was sorry to Roseline, but Roseline didn’t understand why the boy was sorry to her.
“Hello, I’m lost.” “Would you mind taking me with you?”
The man on the other side of the stream inquired. The voice was both high and low in pitch.
Julian spoke up just as Roseline was about to respond to her invitation to come over here.
“We take different paths. “I’m not sure where you’re going.”
“Is that correct?”
After a short moment of silence for Julian and Roseline, the man turned around and went into the forest.
No, it’s not correct to say that I went in.
The man walked through the woods, returned to the stream, and asked Julian.
“I got lost.” “Oh, would you mind taking me?”
This time, it was unclear whether the man’s voice was high or low. However, the sound seemed a little louder and clearer. Even though the horse was stuttering more than usual, it was strange.
Roseline was possessed and touched her temple. Julian put his hand on Roseline’s.
“Don’t worry, Roseline. “It is not hazardous.”
“Huh? It isn’t that… “
Julian stroked Roseline’s hand again and said to the man,
“We take different paths. “I’m not sure where you’re going.”
“That, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that’
The man took a step back, hid among the trees, and spun around the tree. Roseline was horrified by what she saw.
That isn’t a living being.
Is it a spirit?
Roseline had no faith in ghosts.
When a man dies, his body is buried in the earth, and his soul ascends to heaven.
The cathedral priests have stated that in heaven, they are judged by God for their karma during their lifetime and either go to heaven or hell.
Roseline didn’t particularly believe in God, but she didn’t deny it either.
He was certain, however, that he had never seen a ghost in his life.
This is because she believed that if there was a god with character, she would not have allowed her life to go so far, and that if there was a ghost, the person who was wrongfully killed would not leave the criminal alone.
However, she can only think of a man as a non-human being who emits a strange energy across the stream.
Will the man be a ghost who died in this forest because there is no sorcerer in this empire?
Julian shook his head and stood up as Roseline tried to protect him from a ghostly man.
When Julian stood up, the man who had been circling the tree returned to the stream.
“Gi, gi, gi, gi, gi, gi, gi!” “Sweep!” says Gi gi gi. Sseup!
This time, a voice could be heard shouting.
“Please take me!” Please take me with you! I’m not going to, Ni, Nia!
Roseline hurriedly closed her mouth, fearful of answering yes inadvertently.
Her heart pounded.
Julian calmly responded to the man across the stream.
“We take different paths. “I’m not sure where you’re going.”
“That, that, that, that, that!” That! I’m, uh, where am I? Where! “Where, where, where!” Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
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