Chapter 21.1
Hugo told Melchor when he got home at midnight that Roseline had kicked her mother out of the west cottage.
“Did the countess renounce Crimson Rose?”
“Yes, sir.”
Roseline should have cared for her mother after being abducted as a prisoner and returning from pain, but instead, she evicted her mother from the annex. A butler who did not know her circumstances had no right to judge.
But Melchor took off his coat and gave it to the butler as usual without saying anything.
“I see.”
“… … .”
That’s all?
The eyes of the loyal butler trembled. Melchor, observing his hesitation, inquired in a slightly angry tone.
“If you want to say something, say it, Hugo.”
Would it be all right? Regardless, the Countess remains her mother…
“Because this is what Roseline does, there must be a solid reason.”
Melchor was unaware of the problem. Melchor had lost his parents at a young age, but he was quite familiar with the difficulties of other families due to his upbringing. Even if the relationship between the parents and children is good, it is difficult for there to be no disagreements. If Roseline deposed the Countess of Crimson Rose, the Countess must have committed some error.
In contrast to Melchor, who took everything seriously, the face of the butler was dark.
“However, if she treats her mother in such a manner, your wife’s reputation…”
“What reputation?”
As Melchor unbuttoned his uniform, his hand stopped moving. Even in the dark, her lovely blue eyes glowed with a brilliant brightness.
“Who brings Roseline’s reputation into disrepute?”
Hugo, the butler, swallowed a gulp. He believed he had grown accustomed to Melchor’s keen gaze after six years of service, but he had not. The eyes of the blue flames, which appeared to swallow people’s souls at any moment, possessed an unnerving aura that made people’s livers tremble just by glancing at them. As if they had been whipped, the limbs tensed and then extended out with a tingling feeling. The butler denied it immediately.
“No. I am not suggesting who did it; I was simply discussing the possibility.”
“If, and then what? Let Roseline pursue her own interests.”
The butler retreated slowly with a stiff look. The room fell silent, but Melchor was feeling ill.
Yesterday, she must have been in a terrible mood for this reason.
Melchor believed it would be pleasant to meet the long-awaited family, but Roseline went for a walk yesterday with a disgruntled expression. Melchor was concerned that he may have upset her by saying something inappropriate, but fortunately, this was not the case. Melchor felt somewhat relieved. He quickly regretted his decision.
I ought to have been more attentive.
He should have been more attuned to Roseline’s disposition.
But why wasn’t this butler informing him immediately yesterday as opposed to today? Melchor, frustrated, patched the holes in the buttons he had undone.
Roseline, are you sleeping?
It had been quite some time since the window had shut off the lights. The late hour explains why Roseline fell asleep.
Should I at least see her face?
After turning off the orange desk light, Melchor left the office and went into the hallway.
* * *
No one was in the hallway so as not to annoy the owner, who detests noise. Melchor continued ascending the steps, reaching the third floor. This is the location of Roseline’s bedroom.
He entered the room carefully so as not to disturb her slumber, but to his surprise, the room was quite bright. An evening breeze flowed through the open window.
Roseline was observing the moon from her balcony in her jammies.
“What’s the matter, Melchor?”
“You haven’t slept?”
“If there is a wedding, we must depart for the east.” I desired to observe the sky in the nation’s capital.
When Melchor stepped out onto the balcony, Roseline shifted slightly to make room for him. It was still weird standing next to him.
They were about to get married. Yesterday, they discussed making it a simple ceremony by inviting a priest to officiate at a venue where only family members are present.
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